Biography : Hicham Telmoudi ★
The violin has possessed the soul of the artist Hicham Telmoudi at a younger age way back in his childhood, which took him away from his schooling early on, since he obviously found the passion of learning and playing the violin a better school feeding his soul and existence, leading to his exquisite, unique solo talent that will take him to higher levels of greatness. This remarkable sense of self and marvelous talent will push the artist to specialize and majoring in studying the Arabic violin style of playing, then after mastering the art at such higher levels, Hicham Telmoudi started to teach other students and people alike who share the same passion for violin.
Even though, things were not as smooth and easy for him, as it is the case for every struggling artist, going against the family’s wishes and sacrificing a lot, thankfully did not go in vain since that is what led to him shining and becoming a star in his own right as the fortune favors the brave and the bold, built upon years of hard work and dedication.
Choosing the violin was neither a sheer nor a mere coincidence or by any luck or chance, for Hicham Telmoudi this decision came about after trying various and different types of Instrumental Strings before settling on the violin, this experience of going through different instrumentations, rhythms, melodies and experimenting with various sounds helped shaping the musical arsenal of the artist and pushed to make the final decision and choosing the violin, an instrument which is actually embedded in the core of the musical

identity whether at an individual or collective level for the Arabs; Middle Eastern generally and Moroccans specifically, until teaching music has separated between the way artist play violin in the western world and the Arab world.
Hicham found motivation in his mother’s support to go further in taking music as a profession and specializing in being a violinist, understanding this relationship will help understand the link between the Violin and Motherhood, as both share a unique sense of kindness and sensational feeling of warmth and unconditional love that strikes the chords of human hearts, thus helped shaping the artist Telmoudi’s brilliant artistic display when playing the violin taking the audience in a trip throughout the Moroccan country, a journey full of rhythms, melodies, musical scales and beats that people are not used to, as the public only been familiar with one sound one way of playing the violin, hence making Hicham Telmoudi a musical genius, succeeding in merging and fusing a new way of playing this sensational instrument with new different and various Moroccan traditional musical styles such as ( Deka Merrakchya, Issawa, AL Aita Jablya, Soussi Scales and Sheraoui) amongst other catalogues and musical repertoires.
Telmoudi’s genius creativity consist of his immaculate ability to make different Moroccam rhythms and melodies to succumb to his will and make them embedded with the sound of the violin forming a unique sounds that changes with every stroke, every musical note and melody that Hicham plays, pouring his heart and soul, captivating the audience’s emotion and make them feel what the artist is feeling each time as his feelings changes and exhuming uniqueness and sensational melodies coming out of the smooth wooden and heartfelt strings that makes this beautiful instrument called Violin, making Telmoudi’s performance a true masterpiece of art full of vivid Moroccan melodies and rhythms, which the artist is trying to convey a clear and personal message at times and sometimes mysterious and cryptic depending on his feelings, which elevates the music as a fine language people can understand.
Hicham Telmoudi traveled with his violin and music in the world of melodies to the extent that traveling has become a close feature of his, after achieving an artistic roaming in a multi rhythmic and cultural Morocco through his first album ‘AJI NWERIK BELADI’ ( come let me show you my country), he was able to achieve and securing a precedent participation for a Moroccan artist in the ‘ CAPTOWN JAZZ INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL’, which reflects the caliber and the genius of this artist to travel musically worldwide, mixing tunes, and adapting to different cultural contexts of both the audience and the concerts overall, hence accumulating an important and pretty impressive experience in playing various Arabic styles, catalogues whether it’s classical or modern.
Hicham Telnoudi was given the title of the Ambassador of Moroccan Heritage for his work on creating, innovating, enhancing and developing the Moroccan cultural heritage (its rhythms, songs and musical styles), and his honoring to this heritage, highlighting its diversity and richness, as well as exporting it to the rest of the world with high level of creativity and in a way that honors Morocco and Moroccans ubiquitously, promoting this art from in a different and distinctive way with new combinations that suit many tastes.
📝Biography :
Hicham Telmoudi
The violin has possessed the soul of the artist Hicham Telmoudi at a younger age way back in his childhood, which took him away from his schooling early on, since he obviously found the passion of learning and playing the violin a better school feeding his soul and existence, leading to his exquisite, unique solo talent that will take him to higher levels of greatness. This remarkable sense of self and marvelous talent will push the artist to specialize and majoring in studying the Arabic violin style of playing, then after mastering the art at such higher levels, Hicham Telmoudi started to teach other students and people alike who share the same passion for violin.
Even though, things were not as smooth and easy for him, as it is the case for every struggling artist, going against the family’s wishes and sacrificing a lot, thankfully did not go in vain since that is what led to him shining and becoming a star in his own right as the fortune favors the brave and the bold, built upon years of hard work and dedication.
Choosing the violin was neither a sheer nor a mere coincidence or by any luck or chance, for Hicham Telmoudi this decision came about after trying various and different types of Instrumental Strings before settling on the violin, this experience of going through different instrumentations, rhythms, melodies and experimenting with various sounds helped shaping the musical arsenal of the artist and pushed to make the final decision and choosing the violin, an instrument which is actually embedded in the core of the musical

🔸identity whether at an individual or collective level for the Arabs; Middle Eastern generally and Moroccans specifically, until teaching music has separated between the way artist play violin in the western world and the Arab world.
Hicham found motivation in his mother’s support to go further in taking music as a profession and specializing in being a violinist, understanding this relationship will help understand the link between the Violin and Motherhood, as both share a unique sense of kindness and sensational feeling of warmth and unconditional love that strikes the chords of human hearts, thus helped shaping the artist Telmoudi’s brilliant artistic display when playing the violin taking the audience in a trip throughout the Moroccan country, a journey full of rhythms, melodies, musical scales and beats that people are not used to, as the public only been familiar with one sound one way of playing the violin, hence making Hicham Telmoudi a musical genius, succeeding in merging and fusing a new way of playing this sensational instrument with new different and various Moroccan traditional musical styles such as ( Deka Merrakchya, Issawa, AL Aita Jablya, Soussi Scales and Sheraoui) amongst other catalogues and musical repertoires.
Telmoudi’s genius creativity consist of his immaculate ability to make different Moroccam rhythms and melodies to succumb to his will and make them embedded with the sound of the violin forming a unique sounds that changes with every stroke, every musical note and melody that Hicham plays, pouring his heart and soul, captivating the audience’s emotion and make them feel what the artist is feeling each time as his feelings changes and exhuming uniqueness and sensational melodies coming out of the smooth wooden and heartfelt strings that makes this beautiful instrument called Violin, making Telmoudi’s performance a true masterpiece of art full of vivid Moroccan melodies and rhythms, which the artist is trying to convey a clear and personal message at times and sometimes mysterious and cryptic depending on his feelings, which elevates the music as a fine language people can understand.
Hicham Telmoudi traveled with his violin and music in the world of melodies to the extent that traveling has become a close feature of his, after achieving an artistic roaming in a multi rhythmic and cultural Morocco through his first album ‘AJI NWERIK BELADI’ ( come let me show you my country), he was able to achieve and securing a precedent participation for a Moroccan artist in the ‘ CAPTOWN JAZZ INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL’, which reflects the caliber and the genius of this artist to travel musically worldwide, mixing tunes, and adapting to different cultural contexts of both the audience and the concerts overall, hence accumulating an important and pretty impressive experience in playing various Arabic styles, catalogues whether it’s classical or modern.
Hicham Telnoudi was given the title of the Ambassador of Moroccan Heritage for his work on creating, innovating, enhancing and developing the Moroccan cultural heritage (its rhythms, songs and musical styles), and his honoring to this heritage, highlighting its diversity and richness, as well as exporting it to the rest of the world with high level of creativity and in a way that honors Morocco and Moroccans ubiquitously, promoting this art from in a different and distinctive way with new combinations that suit many tastes.

Telmoudi Band is a skilled and talented musical band created and led by Hicham Telmoudi, the band has accumulated and acquired great experience in playing different types, repertoires and catalogues of both Arabic and western music genre, throughout their participation and collaborations at live concerts and festivals sharing big stages with numerous Moroccan stars and from all over the Arab world respectively.

Telmoudi Band is a skilled and talented musical band created and led by Hicham Telmoudi, the band has accumulated and acquired great experience in playing different types, repertoires and catalogues of both Arabic and western music genre, throughout their participation and collaborations at live concerts and festivals sharing big stages with numerous Moroccan stars and from all over the Arab world respectively.
The musical catalogue in Morocco is full of many traditional and rich musical patterns, therefore facing such greatness and intimidating culture, any contemporary talented and ambitious artist who seeks greatness and high levels need to strive and work hard, go deep and pay due diligent to this rich rhythms and sounds, in order to master the art and be a full on musician; in such context and atmosphere Hicham took this approach to create his first project ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’; which is an innovative and creative way of developing the traditional and cultural Moroccan rhythms in a way never seen before by any composers, a great example of this is the implementation and use of the musical scale 5/4 which is called in the region of Marrakech as the scale of ‘AL WAD’, as well as the integration of the tribal dance called ‘AHWASH’ from the region of Tafraout in order to merge the two in an unexpected way for most of the composers, adding another scale of 9/4 which the ‘AL AITA AL JABLYA’ specializes in. The project also dealt, incorporated and included other traditional rich rhythms such as (ISSAWA, AL HASSANI, DEKA MERRACHYA, AL MALHOUN, AL REGADA) amongst other ones with a fresh new style.
Telmoudi’s project ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’ is a new way of promotion to the Moroccan culture and Musical heritage, such was the responsibility the artist took upon himself to make sure his depiction of his heritage shine bright worldwide and be regarded in such high levels, without tarnishing its essence, but trying to make it more relevant with the times a bridge throughout time and space a journey that combines both the past and the present bridging the gap between this old and traditional treasure with new sounds and rhythms so that today’s youth would be interested in diving and appreciating this cultural and musical masterpiece building a relationship with their ancestors.
This Project received the support from the Moroccan Ministry of Culture in its two editions (2014/2018), making it a great success for the artist and welcomed by the public worldwide, which will enable Hicham Telmoudi to be the first Arab artist participating with his debut album ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’ at the ‘CAPTOWN INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL’ as well as in various festivals and concerts globally.

The musical catalogue in Morocco is full of many traditional and rich musical patterns, therefore facing such greatness and intimidating culture, any contemporary talented and ambitious artist who seeks greatness and high levels need to strive and work hard, go deep and pay due diligent to this rich rhythms and sounds, in order to master the art and be a full on musician; in such context and atmosphere Hicham took this approach to create his first project ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’; which is an innovative and creative way of developing the traditional and cultural Moroccan rhythms in a way never seen before by any composers, a great example of this is the implementation and use of the musical scale 5/4 which is called in the region of Marrakech as the scale of ‘AL WAD’, as well as the integration of the tribal dance called ‘AHWASH’ from the region of Tafraout in order to merge the two in an unexpected way for most of the composers, adding another scale of 9/4 which the ‘AL AITA AL JABLYA’ specializes in. The project also dealt, incorporated and included other traditional rich rhythms such as (ISSAWA, AL HASSANI, DEKA MERRACHYA, AL MALHOUN, AL REGADA) amongst other ones with a fresh new style.
Telmoudi’s project ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’ is a new way of promotion to the Moroccan culture and Musical heritage, such was the responsibility the artist took upon himself to make sure his depiction of his heritage shine bright worldwide and be regarded in such high levels, without tarnishing its essence, but trying to make it more relevant with the times a bridge throughout time and space a journey that combines both the past and the present bridging the gap between this old and traditional treasure with new sounds and rhythms so that today’s youth would be interested in diving and appreciating this cultural and musical masterpiece building a relationship with their ancestors.
This Project received the support from the Moroccan Ministry of Culture in its two editions (2014/2018), making it a great success for the artist and welcomed by the public worldwide, which will enable Hicham Telmoudi to be the first Arab artist participating with his debut album ‘AJI NWERIK BLADI’ at the ‘CAPTOWN INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL’ as well as in various festivals and concerts globally.
Le grand maestro marocain du violon Hicham Telmoudi, le vétéran de la scène guinéenne Sékouba Bambino, l’une des belles voix féminines du continent africain Karyna Gomes et la référence de la pop-rock jordanienne, le groupe Jadal, ont ainsi ouvert le bal au Théâtre Mohammed V de ce rendez-vous culturel, qui ambitionne d’offrir une visibilité optimale à la créativité et à la professionnalisation du secteur culturel et artistique.
Placée sous le Haut patronage de S.M. le Roi Mohammed VI, cette manifestation, qui réunit artistes, organismes professionnels, maisons de disque, institutions culturelles et fondations, médias et édition ou encore managers, est une plateforme professionnelle de la musique du Maroc, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, qui vise à favoriser la constitution d’un marché de la musique de ces régions.
Lors de cette soirée d’ouverture, de vibrants hommages ont été rendus à trois formations du Maroc, d’Afrique et de la diaspora. Il s’agit de Faisal Kiwewa, directeur fondateur de Bayimba qui vise à faire de l’Ouganda et de l’Afrique de l’Est une référence pour les arts sur le contient africain, le manager José Da Silva, ambassadeur de la musique capverdienne et le multi-instrumentaliste, chanteur et compositeur marocain Majid Bekkas.
Cette édition sera ponctuée par une série de manifestations, dont des formations professionnelles, des projections de documentaires, des rencontres professionnelles et 47 showcases pour mettre en lumière de nouveaux talents ou des artistes en essor. Cette édition, qui se poursuit jusqu’au 19 novembre courant, comprendra en outre sept conférences, qui auront lieu tout au long de l’événement et apporteront un éclairage sur de nombreuses questions autour des marchés internationaux de la musique et des enjeux spécifiques à l’aire africaine et au monde arabe.
Les thèmes de ces conférences porteront notamment sur «La scène musicale indépendante dans le monde», «La diversité culturelle : une charte pour les musiques du monde», «L’intégration des artistes immigrés ou exilés dans l’espace culturel d’accueil», «L’expérience et enjeux de la mobilité artistique en Afrique» et «L’export: monde de fonctionnement des marchés historiques, nouveaux marchés et perspectives d’avenir».
Organisée avec le soutien du ministère de la Culture, en collaboration avec la Fondation Hiba, «Visa for Music» est une plateforme professionnelle de la musique du Maroc, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, qui a pour mission de favoriser la constitution d’un marché de la musique de ses régions afin d’offrir une visibilité optimale et un environnement propice à la créativité et à la professionnalisation du secteur culturel et artistique.
“Visa for Music” s’impose comme le premier salon des musiques d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient. Tout est parti d’un constat avec d’un côté le manque de visibilité des artistes de ces régions et de l’autre un grand dynamisme artistique.
A Rabat au Maroc, VFM veut combler ce fossé entre les deux.
Mohamed Amine Sbihi, ministre marocain de la Culture : “Ici en Maroc il était pour nous essentiel de renforcer ces métiers qui sont des tourner des spectacle, de renforcer ce rôle essentiel qui joue les sociétés de production ou du diffusion musicale parce que le pouvoir public peut soutenir la création musicale, mais a quoi sert la création musicale si elle n’arrive pas au public le plus large.
Une cinquantaine de groupes se sont produits pendant les quatre jours de l‘événement dont “Africa United.
Fahad Faisoil, musicien : “Je suis à Visa For Music pour pouvoir trouver des contrat ou des choses pour notre avenir, pour qu’on puisse s’exporter quand même.” …
Musique Afro-jazz
Hicham Telmoudi, un véritable ambassadeur de la culture marocaine
Moulay Hicham Telmoudi est de ces jeunes artistes musiciens dont les œuvres promettent des lendemains meilleurs à la musique marocaine en particulier, et celle du Moyen-Orient en général. Si le violon, instrument de prédilection dont il est d’ailleurs un brillant professeur au Conservatoire de laville de Marrakech lui a déjà permis de traverser monts et vallées, il lui aura également servi à comblerl’écoute de millions de mélomanes à travers le monde.
« Si vous avez envie de découvrir le Maroc, écoutez la musique de Hicham », propose Sanaa une grande fanatique du musicien en question. En réalité, la musique que propose Hicham Telmoudi peut être cataloguée volontiers comme une carte de visite du Maroc. Ce pays auquel le jeune artiste dit tout devoir. Les plages musicales de Hicham sont de véritables délices, merveilles de pures balades. Chaque morceau se veut une visite touristique d’une région précise du royaume chérifien dont l’immensité de la richesse du patrimoine culturel n’est plus à étaler. Pour concocter ces délices sonores, Hicham va puiser ses inspirations dans la beauté profonde et intarissable des différentes régions qui composent son pays le Maroc, pays des Lions de l’Atlas.
Un parcours pas des moindres
Compositeur et arrangeur, Hicham a longtemps travaillé et collaboré avec des artistes du monde entier et capitalisé une grosse expérience. Tout ceci ne l’empêchera pas d’avoir des projets propres à lui. Le plus significatif aura été « Ajinwerik Bladi« . Un projet qui, aux dires de l’artiste lui a permis de voyager et prendre part à plusieurs manifestations d’envergure internationale. Mais aussi, de fairebeaucoup des résidences dans plusieurs pays sur des projets enrichissants de créations musicales.
Hicham a déjà plané au moyen de ses spectacles live irrésistibles sur plusieurs événements dans son pays et notamment, le « Visa For Music« l’année dernière à Rabat. A cet événement catalogué comme étant le plus grand Salon des Musiques d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, le violoniste s’était révélé au grand monde des professionnels venus de partout dans le monde entier en témoignant d’un parcours des plus reluisants. En effet, il fut en 2016, le premier artiste musicien à représenter le Maroc et le monde arabe au Festival international de Jazz à Cape Town en Afrique du Sud qui bouclait sa 17ème édition. Il s’agit d’une des plus prestigieuses scènes de musique Jazz en Afrique et dans le monde dont la notoriété est établie, puisque classé dans le Top 5 des festivals de Jazz dans le monde. Tout cet acquis musical, Hicham le fait ressentir dans sa musique qui dès lors se révèle un véritable cocktail où les différentes pièces du puzzle sont bien agencées pour offrir une musique-synthèse, véritable osmose susceptible d’unir les peuples du monde.
Une séduisante démarche musicale pour des mélodies irrésistibles
Dans sa démarche, Hicham tente de faire partager et mixer le patrimoine marocain en termes de musique, rythmes et arrangements, avec des apports musicaux du monde. En clair, il s’agit d’une véritable fusion musicale digeste, fruit de recherches et de nouvelles créations susceptibles de contenter le monde musical dans son ensemble. Et là-dessus, le jeune artiste musicien a bien réussi sa mission. Il s’agit d’écouter en effet ses mélodies pour s’en convaincre. Des notes gaies et nostalgiques, mais aussi, qui reflètent l’allégresse et la joie de vivre et qui font savourer l’« Issawi » soufi, d’ailleurs bien ancré dans la tradition musicale moderne, le « Guedra » typique du Sud Marocain, ou encore le « Gnaoua« qui connait une ascension fulgurante. Autant de tendances musicales qu’Hicham enjolive avec la musique orientale, classique, andalouse, ou encore du jazz, pour faire sonner une « world music » irrésistible.
Le coup d’envoi de la 3e édition du Salon des musiques d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient «Visa For Music» a été donné, mercredi soir à Rabat, aux rythmes pluriels de l’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient.
Le grand maestro marocain du violon Hicham Telmoudi, le vétéran de la scène guinéenne Sékouba Bambino, l’une des belles voix féminines du continent africain Karyna Gomes et la référence de la pop-rock jordanienne, le groupe Jadal, ont ainsi ouvert le bal au Théâtre Mohammed V de ce rendez-vous culturel, qui ambitionne d’offrir une visibilité optimale à la créativité et à la professionnalisation du secteur culturel et artistique.
Placée sous le Haut patronage de S.M. le Roi Mohammed VI, cette manifestation, qui réunit artistes, organismes professionnels, maisons de disque, institutions culturelles et fondations, médias et édition ou encore managers, est une plateforme professionnelle de la musique du Maroc, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, qui vise à favoriser la constitution d’un marché de la musique de ces régions.
Lors de cette soirée d’ouverture, de vibrants hommages ont été rendus à trois formations du Maroc, d’Afrique et de la diaspora. Il s’agit de Faisal Kiwewa, directeur fondateur de Bayimba qui vise à faire de l’Ouganda et de l’Afrique de l’Est une référence pour les arts sur le contient africain, le manager José Da Silva, ambassadeur de la musique capverdienne et le multi-instrumentaliste, chanteur et compositeur marocain Majid Bekkas.
Cette édition sera ponctuée par une série de manifestations, dont des formations professionnelles, des projections de documentaires, des rencontres professionnelles et 47 showcases pour mettre en lumière de nouveaux talents ou des artistes en essor. Cette édition, qui se poursuit jusqu’au 19 novembre courant, comprendra en outre sept conférences, qui auront lieu tout au long de l’événement et apporteront un éclairage sur de nombreuses questions autour des marchés internationaux de la musique et des enjeux spécifiques à l’aire africaine et au monde arabe.
Les thèmes de ces conférences porteront notamment sur «La scène musicale indépendante dans le monde», «La diversité culturelle : une charte pour les musiques du monde», «L’intégration des artistes immigrés ou exilés dans l’espace culturel d’accueil», «L’expérience et enjeux de la mobilité artistique en Afrique» et «L’export: monde de fonctionnement des marchés historiques, nouveaux marchés et perspectives d’avenir».
Organisée avec le soutien du ministère de la Culture, en collaboration avec la Fondation Hiba, «Visa for Music» est une plateforme professionnelle de la musique du Maroc, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, qui a pour mission de favoriser la constitution d’un marché de la musique de ses régions afin d’offrir une visibilité optimale et un environnement propice à la créativité et à la professionnalisation du secteur culturel et artistique.
Hicham Telmoudi هشام التلمودي
Available on whatsapp: 00212679764458

Hicham Telmoudi هشام التلمودي
Available on whatsapp: 00212679764458